Archive for » November 20th, 2009«

Facebook = Menyebalkan

FB menyebalkan bagi saya.. karena kemarin ketika saya bermain ghost trapper, saya inging membeli sebuah lilin ga bs, n ketika mw pindah map, jg ga bs… saya smpe stress cm dpt spooky ghost trus(hantu yg plg ucup di Ghost Trapper).. n setelah beberapa jam masih ga bs, n ada tulisan dr forum ghost trapper seperti ini :

Dear Agents,

At the moment some of you are experiencing problems when buying items, travelling or raiding.

We have looked into this immediately. The issues apparently come from a Facebook element called “fbjs” which allows easy switching of content without reloading a page. At the moment, Facebook seems to have problems with this. We hope that Facebook fixes this soon, in the past, similar erros have been corrected very fast by them.

It is interesting that not all players are affected, for some it is working, for others, it isn’t. We suspect this to be because the fbjs bug does not affect all Facebook servers but only some.

It’s always recommended to close your browser, clear all cookies and the cache (optional: and restart the computer) – this might help.

Please give Facebook some time to fix this – I’m confident that they will have it working again soon.

ya itulah tulisannya.. sangat menyebalkan..

tp sekarang udah bs c… cm kemaren smpe stress harus lwn spooky ghost mulu (udah dapet duit nya kecil, exp nya kecil pula..)

nah skg dapet mission d dr ghost trapper nya.. disuruh tangkep 125 hantu dalam waktu 3 hari…

yauda d… saya mw hunting” dahulu.. hehehef_onionhead69m_b3007b8

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